Wood stoves are still popular today and add charm to your living room too. The use of wood burning stoves is an old practice but it does mean it becomes obsolete. New wood stoves are a versatile heating option. Woodstoves are heating appliances that are capable of burning both wood fuels and wood-delivered biomass fuel. Wood-burning Hearth stoves by Century Dealer and Sales Representative Inquiries Welcome. We offer various products to businesses throughout the U.S. and Canada. Breton Energy offers a complete line of gas, oil, pellet and wood burning products with a wide range of selection. Sauna stoves heater models feature the flush-mount fire doors large rock capacity in Canada. Sauna heaters come in 18 sizes in 5 series at the Sauna Factory. There are two types of wood burning stoves at Canadian Tire: airtight stoves and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) approved stoves. of antique stove restoration expert Mike Strong, founder of Canadian Antique Stoves. Conroy van der Lee,Canada Upon the arrival of my new wood stove, I thought I had made a mistake.