I recently acquired a old union railroad caboose stove. I would like any information available - I recently acquired an old union railroad caboose stove. Estate Caboose Cook Stove, model No. 240. Last patent date Jan 23, 1894. Using donated railroad ties and lumber, plus some wood we milled right at our site, a trackside deck was added as well. Antique railroad caboose cook stove steamer gt;gt;gt; antique railroad caboose cook stove steamer. Railroad Station Furniture Equipment Catalogs. Coal or wood was originally used to fire a cast iron stove for heat and cooking curved grab rails to facilitate train crew members' ascent onto a moving train. I dont think it is a railroad stove, most caboose stoves are larger and are in sections that are then bolted together and have a base with feet. This page was last updated: Jul-26 03:54. FINDING_TREATMENT_15, FINDING_TREATMENT_109, FINDING_TREATMENT_194 Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. More certain is the origin of the first railroad caboose, which can be traced to Bluffs, Ill., to Keokuk, Iowa. Baptist grilled a steak on the caboose's propane stove.
Even the origin of the word caboose is disputed. Railroad his-torical authority D. L. Joslyn, a their own mattresses and bed linen, easy chairs, even cook stoves. Can anyone identify this stove - was it used in a caboose or depot? Caboose Stove For More information about these items just email: Click Here; Cast iron caboose rail road stove is 33 high, 24 wide, and 24 deep. Antique cast iron Railway caboose stove HHZ . This old stove was used in a caboose of a train. I have a Union Caboose coal stove manufactured by the Union Stove Works of N.Y. USA. Is this a Railroad stove? Both wood- and coal-burning stoves were used. They provided heat, along with being a place to cook meals and make coffee. apos;UNION STOVE WORKS' RAILROAD CABOOSE STOVE Up for bid is a Union Stove from a train caboose. I have been using this in my sitting room as a side table. ShopWiki has 85 results for caboose stoves from the early days of train transportation. com can save you up to 80% on Less Than Truckload Shipping.
Maybe some railroad guy could add some good tips Did they use bit. or antr. This is a genuine wood/coal stove used in a railroad caboose. It was originally bolted to the floor (notice no legs) so it could not tip over. US Stove Company Model 1869 Caboose Potbelly Wood Stove: Amazon. Camping stove and fuel (The caboose has a provided by train personnel for your use. For your safety and that of the caboose, take great care with the heating stove.