Economical and convenient, pellet stove inserts are being touted in the industry as being environmentally friendly. Compare 41 pellet stove inserts products in Home Store at SHOP. Find pellet stoves inserts from a vast selection of Furnaces Heating Systems. Find pellet stoves inserts from a vast selection of Furnaces Heating Systems. Shop eBay! Detailed information and reviews of Pellet Stove Inserts and Accessories, including unbiased opinions, comparison calculator, and pellet resource locator. com offers the finest collection of Pellet Inserts. Get Online from the leading Manufacturers of Industry. It's our free program that rewards our best customers. As a Shop Your Way Rewards customer you earn Points when you buy the things you want and need. Introduction: Pellet stoves and inserts are a convenient way to heat with wood, but they involve difficult technologies. Before you buy a pellet stove read these reviews. You can save a lot of money with pellet fuel.